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Templates page

Everything you need to know about the Templates page

Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over a week ago


This is where you'll see most of your message content with a main overview of your message templates and their KPI's

The Templates page contains three tabs:

  • Initial Messages

  • Quick Replies

  • Follow up Messages

Initial Messages

Initial message templates are used as conversation starters.

  • Template Type Filter

    Filter your messages by selecting any of the five predefined message template types

    • General / Off Market

    • Vacant / Absentee

    • High Equity / Free and Clear

    • Pre-foreclosure / Liens / Auction

    • Probate / Bankruptcy

  • Three dots → on the far right of your screen, for every message template you've created

    • A new window pops up with Delete / Edit message template options

    • Close by clicking outside of the Delete / Edit window

  • Create New button → at the top right of your screen
    Opens the Message template builder where you can create a message template

    Learn everything you need to know about creating a message template HERE

Quick replies

Quick Replies are fast-and-easy-to-use saved responses, for responding to the most frequent answers/messages from your leads.

  • Category filter
    Filter your canned responses by selecting any of the categories you created while creating a Quick Reply (e.g. Positive, Negative, Neutral, etc...).

  • Three dots → on the far right of your screen, for every quick reply you've created

    • A new window pops up with Delete / Edit message template options

    • Close by clicking outside of the Delete / Edit window

  • Create New button → at the top right of your screen
    The Message template builder will open where you can create a message template

    Follow this link HERE and learn how to create a Quick Reply

Follow up Messages

Follow Up Campaign messages are used for texting prospects who didn't respond to your initial message.

  • Template Type filter

    Filter your messages by selecting any of the five predefined message template types

    • General / Off Market

    • Vacant / Absentee

    • High Equity / Free and Clear

    • Pre-foreclosure / Liens / Auction

    • Probate / Bankruptcy

  • Three dots → on the far right of your screen, for every message template you've created

    • A new window pops up with Delete / Edit message template options

    • Close by clicking outside of the Delete / Edit window

  • Create New button → at the top right of your screen
    The Message Template Builder will open where you can create a message template

    HERE is the Article that will help you understand how to set up Follow Up message quicker

Notice for all Users who had message templates created before Oct 30th:

  • Update Template Type for all Initial and Follow up message templates for easier sorting and template management

  • Follow Up message templates that were used in Follow Up Campaigns have been transferred to the Follow Up Messages tab

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